Spirit of money. Satsang 03.06.17

Hello to everyone!


During all june we will explore shamanism and will do ritual according siberian shamanic traditions. During this month we will talk with you about spirits, which are affecting your financial success and support stabile financial situation in linage.

On email i am receiving a lot of letter, mostly from russia and another countries where people are writing about their problems specially with money. That’s why we will talk about this topic.

Is it useful and interesting topic for you? In siberian shamanism we have 4 main wolrds: world of infinity, higher world (of future), middle world (world of present), underworld (world of past).

Each of these worlds are full of spirits. Spirits of higher world are creating future events, there are neutral to people. Spirits world of present are friendly with people, are helping in deals. Between people and spirits are equality. Spirits of underworld, are spirits of illnesses, suffers and death. For underworld people are food. Spirits of underworld are eating us. One of these world are living spirit of money. How do you think, in which of these worlds? Maybe, you already have heard during seminars, where he is living. In fact, are living in underworld. Because underworld is world of destruction, than spirit of money from the beginning have nature of destruction.

We can see it during all centuries of humanity: in ancient and nowadays, money are the main reason of worldwide, religious wars, family conflicts, and even simple other people murders. For sure each person, had similar situation in their life, when he was rubbed and cheated because of money.  Like shaman, and student of kudai kama, i can say, that spirit of money, actually, not so bloody-minded. , yes, he is very cunning, very clever.

These characters are helping to spirit of money realize his real purpose. About his purpose know only few person in the human world. For simple person – spirit of money have destructive influence. But for spiritual person another purpose. How do you think, what is real purpose spirit of money? Real purpose spirit of money are: test people, tempt people, to find those people, who soul are grown up and can open high destiny, great predestination. Spirit of money are creating test situation to check person, difficulties and traps. Who are going through and proved, that his soul are wise, that’s person are receiving great present.

Spirit of money start to protect linage of the person (but not overuse it). For the person god’s of 4 worlds are trusting great role in development of humanity. Kudai kam always are asking us, his students, to find this kind of souls. Together we can realize dream of great people, creating on the earth united spiritual field. Now task. Please continue this sentence:

Money for is…

Please, send continue of this sentence to me in personal chat.

Each one, who will send it today during one hour after chat ended sentence, will receive advice, what are aspect are influencing you, or how you can realize your life potential

According on your answers , we will understand, who are those people, who we are searching for, that together create great future on earth

Spirit of money have a lot of spirit helpers: spirit of consume, spirit of fears, spirit of greediness, spirit of enviness, spirit of narcissism.

About them we will talk on our next chats.

Question: which of the spirits are affecting you? How often they are affecting you?

Very happy for your answers. According to them,  we will create communication on our next sansa chat. Also, your answers will influence the ritual, which we will provide on summer solstice on june 21-22

Home task:

During all week observe, what kind of spirit helper spirit of money are affecting you and how

On this we are saying goodbye.

I wish to you achieve your great predestination. Wish to your linage wealth and health

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