
Subject to the ritual:

  • Protective Bracelet comes laden with protective power. The spirit, which feeds negative powers and fear, lives in such bracelet. As soon as you feel such impact, either of fear state or of negative emotions, so the spirit, living in the bracelet, arise within and sucks on such psychic power. Thus, the bracelet protects its owner.

Individual subject, according to results of diagnostics – such subject is selected in accordance with problems or situations which became apparent in diagnostic. If it is difficult negative situations, the subject is selected in such a way that the spirit, which lives in the subject, stops or changes situations. If it is necessity to develop the internal potential, so the subject is selected that the spirit, which lives in it, gives power to the development of the desired features or

Subject to the ritual:

  • Protectiv Talisman – after purification ritual any patient’s subject is chosen or charged for protection from impact which provokes the disease or problem. The subject works as a shield. It protects from this misadventure from which a person was free.
  • Individual talisman for longtime protection – it’s made individually, the spirit-helper is selected together with a man and settled in this subject.
    The subject is given together with the ritual – how to communicate with spirit, how to feed it, and how to become from spirit-helper the hints about impending danger. It is recommended in cases, when the difficult situations, which were the cause of a problem, are prolonged and will threaten you, your property.

Subject to the ritual:

  • It’s the special subject which will create a contact with the child’s soul – during the shamanistic ritual, when the shaman goes to the Goddess Umai, asks for you about child’s soul, he asks the chosen soul to touch the subject. Then, the expecting mother never parts with this subject, creating for a child the way in which he can find her. The subject is necessarily for use during the conceiving.
  • The Music of Good Impact – Special music that mother and father of the future child make joint praying for the soul’s coming. Music gives the mood for this praying, and will form a channel.

Subject to the ritual:

  • Special subject for communication with the child’s soul is chosen by shaman individually. Through this subject mom and dad can feel the mood of their child. As well as keeping the subject in the hands they can give the child their love, turn to it with request and even with advice.
  • The special Music of Good Impact is the concert of Music which creates a favourable atmosphere in the house for the child development. And also under the sound of this music, parents can receive information that it’s necessary for the child now (what prayer, what impressions) for the propitious formation of its destiny. Also a mom needs to rest during the day and to sleep in the evening listening to this music.

Subject to the ritual:

  • Individual subject is the receptacle, where the spirit-helper settles. It’s chosen according to the individuality of a person.
  • The spirit-helper settles in your subject. For this regard you bring or take along it for the ritual.
  • „Tiger’s Tusk“ is a subject, which opens the hidden talents. Since ancient times it’s used for adults and children. The spirit of this subject highlights the talent which is kept inside, and makes it visible.
  • The Ring „Eternity» makes it possible to communicate with the spirit of death and to receive its advices. It helps a person not to be afraid of difficult and even deadly situations and diseases.
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