December 21 – day of Winter Solstice

December 21 – day of Winter Solstice. How to lay a right fundament ? How to do so your wishes in fact will be performed, not accumulate year by year? Magic time – only once a year, December 21st, on the day of the winter Solstice your life can be drastically change. In ancient times people followed a very important the principle of development. During the winter Solstice is necessary to lay program for the future, and the Sun when will grow🌞, it will be support and increase the force of your intentions. After all, it is starting from December 21, the Sun is added, granting us energy of rationality, activity, creativity and love💝! This year we all were worried because of the financial crisis💸, someone lost work, someone had to find 2nd work, so that help afloat. Therefore, the Magic time on December 21, we use in order, order to get real wealth💰💰💰.

Communication with the spirit of money – make a ritual December 21, exactly 13:45 (MSK). This ritual passed for over 6000 people, and it helped them to increase the salary. Strength of the ritual at the astrological new year increase 10 times. Only at this time! Make it 🙂 12 days, the following for true new year, in accordance with the those astrological features, people also have to lay correctly. Then it expects incredible success and luck in all cases. As said sages – he finds favor themselves who stars! If you aspire Fortunately and success – is the best time to fundament program for the future, approximation of performance of your dreams. And how to carry out? First of all, it is necessary to understand that the first 12 days after the new year laid information on the year. They are connected by 12 houses horoscope and by 12 signs of the Zodiac. Every day after the new year to perceive as the development of the best manifestations of each of the houses horoscope.


First day
On the first day after the new year favorably tune in to the higher the search for his true purpose. Spend time in reading wise books – “After death”, “The Adventures of the Mystic”, meditation, practices for disclosure of your true “I”. If you spend this day in the hectic, listening to the advice of neighbors and relatives, become a victim of advertising, then miss the opportunity to see it is clear answers to important for you questions. Be on this day very active, bright, creative, charismatic.


Day second
Second day dedicate to proper nutrition, purification of the body, healthy lifestyle. You may want something too much to eat or drink – do not do this. Don’t waste your energy wasted, you will be asking a visit by obsessive guests. Very well, if this day you will get some good way to a gift. It is important to know how to distinguish really worthy of surprises and mark all sorts of annoying little things. Then you will give be given as a gift not flower, but cars and Villas :). Your spending should be thoroughly thinking . Well lay the program of spiritual perfection, business development, buy learning, wise book “Business Magic.”


Day third
Third day try to meet with strong people superiors, visit the seminar. So you can leave a in his surrounded by only those contacts that contribute to your growth, and all unnecessary connection themselves will disappear. In the days only 24 hours, a year 365 days – it is not necessary to spend precious time in vain. Not answer empty calls, discussions, and you will be time to happy meetings, giving energy and strength. If you are related to trade on this day can put your business on solid Foundation. Ask the board of a smart people consider the structure of their business. Can a bit to travel: skiing or bike to go in round-trip. Give yourself on the will of the wind travel.


Day fourth
Fourth day spend in the range of like-minded people, make together ritual panacea or “field of love.” 90% of your success in any field depends on the people who next to you. If you a number of people who do not share your views, but only brings you serious condition, on this day does it cost to provide a strong program and all change. Great ancient Mystic Omar Khayyam said as follows: “much better to be hungry than eat something horrible , and is better to be along than with whoever.”
Day of the fifth


Fifth day
day of creativity. Beware of routine affairs and problems better tune on the implementation of creative ideas. Let everything you do in the 5th day after the new year, will be permeated novelty. Remember than loved to do as a child. If draw, then take the brush and paint, and how as a child with ecstasy draw Rainbow the world your soul. You loved to sing and dance, write poetry? Believe me in itself, place strong program of creativity.


Day sixth
Sixth day – time of activity and performance for the whole year. No secret that, even having a good intentions, passivity does not give us them to materialize. Dangerous to carry out this day in idleness and laziness. Forget what is a TV, empty talk. There is no important affairs – remember any case, which does can’t finish. On this day laid discipline and planning health. Good will make plans perfection and development for the year by months.


Seventh day
Seventh day – look closer to your partner (partner). Consider whether he/she is close to your ideal? Determine whether communicating with him or her bring you pleasure, comfort for the soul? May be on this day you want to communicate, but consider whether to spend the day on the dream that will never come to realization . Do not attempt to change the partner, see it ideal. Better look astrological compatibility or incompatibility with your partner or partners. If you are not compatible – it is not necessary to feed illusions, point the attention to the search decent partner. On this day think about the people that you especially unlikable, irritating , bring You concerns. If this day you take away internal voltage in relation to them, then this is sure to manifest and externally. Do not allow them to appear as you like in relation to you do adequately circumstances, but keep the inner peace of mind.


Day eighth
Eighth day -day of transformation. Smart people realize that happy, lucky and rich we can make yourself only by yourself! To do this, there are methods of internal transformation. Failure depend on our wrong habits, reactions. Them change it for success! Start right now: if your head not kept with you, and it’s always turns to scandals and a decrease in your salary, it is today to show outside of the box: keep quiet and better in advance give complement to your boss. Learn the art of giving complements on our seminars. Note: all of your smart efforts are added in your piggy Bank of wisdom and happiness!


Day ninth
Spend with people, then do so that your today’s lectures and classes were creative, alive. Dont force to impose your opinion on this day contraindicated, better do something else. Well to share experiences, skills, think about the sense of life, expand the connection with like-minded people around the world, plan training on training.


Day tenth
Tenth day – on this day think about career growth. Build clear line behavior to do this, and stick to it. Any company has its structure and there is for the implementation of a certain tasks. If you head, think who of your subordinates most embodies your ideas in the development of production. If you are subject, put yourself in place of a head – much will understand from his behavior. Proceed in line with the development of the company and intentions of your boss, not trying to appear above him. Then schedule your career will go up!


Day 11th
Eleventh day – do the study of the fact that you once interested in, but does not have enough time: dancing, yoga, foreign languages. Spend time in the range of like-minded people. Make in the life of the elements of novelty, so that on the whole year not drawn in routine. Believe in yourself! This is a day planning abrupt changes, and if you were afraid to change something in your life, this is the most appropriate time.


Day twelfth
Twelfth day – a day of accumulation of energy. Good it in spiritual practices, reading wise books. Turn off the phone, tell all that left in the trip. Let on this day all about you forget. This will help you save energy for rethinking much in your life. On this day you can visit unexpected illumination, methods problem solving. Good this time on the spiritual training. And, of course, in this particular time, it is necessary to start a bright be what you want to achieve, then you will be faster reach all of their high goals and desires! Take a chance! ! And let the new year will be for you the most successful!

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