Money matrix. Satsang 23.09.17

Today´s chat is called money matrix

Hello dear friends! For those of you who are participating in our chat for the first time or missed the last 4 chats, my name is Oyun, I´m a Master in yoga sampo psychoenergetic protection, I´m a disciple of the enlightened Master.

Today I´ll be with you. And I´m very happy because of it! I send you a big hug from Brazil. Please write where are you now. Your energy is very positive and the flow in your aura is pure, I feel how pleasant it is to be in our chat. And even if someone´s mood is not so good today, it will change very quickly for the better. Because we are doing something together, we want to live in a better way and happier.


Today´s chat is called money matrix and has 2 parts. Since we are coming to the end of the prosperity subject which we studied over the past 4 weeks, the second part of the chat will be dedicated to the answeres for the questions about prosperity. We will have 30 minutes of communication with you!

And during the first 30 minutes, I will tell you:

– How to do a money diagnostics;

– What exactly gets in your way to earn money easily, live without the fear of ending up without money or simply to miss it for the realization of plans and how to correct these situations;

– Which practices and techniques help your development and which gets on your way.


A great number of people in our world earns very little money by putting a lot of sweat. And there´s a small number of people who receive money very easily. Not mere details determine the first or the second category of people. There´s a certain pattern, only after understanding how it works you will be able to pass from the first to the second category. To make money easily with minimum efforts.


This scheme allows oneself to rise up to a new level where less hours of work are needed, less worries, and at the same time receiving more joy and a better lifestyle.

At first, this model may seem to be complex but in reality it is very practical and you will be able to apply it right away.



First of all, let´s understand the concepts:

Money Matrix is a mixture of energy and information which determines how money works in our world.

The understanding of how the money matrix works gives the possibility to command your financial situation. Each person functions in 7 levels of the money matrix. This 7 levels system is called matrix financial gradient.


He laws of the gradient:

On the highest level of the gradient, less quantity of energy is necessary for the realization of an idea. And only when a person realizes him/herself in a balanced way on all 7 levels, the ideal financial situation is guaranteed.

Let´s imagine the levels of the gradient as 7 levels of a building.


Level 1: Surviving

– Money for surviving and security.

– Earning money with hard work and a lot of difficulties. Huge efforts are needed to receive minimum results.

Level 2: Satisfaction of impulses.

– Money for realization of desires, impulses and passion.

– One is able to earn money when there is an impulse from inside, the desire to get something.

– Very big efforts are necessary for very small results.

(In this level exactly the desire gives energy for the realization of impulses and ideas. The problem of this level is that the person has energy only when he/she has the desire to get something. As soon as the desire is satisfied, the person has no more money.)

Level 3: Desire

– Money for achieving goals, self-affirmation, status, expansion of territory.

– Money comes according to the decisions made with willpower, according to the system of goals by means of work.

– Big efforts are needed in order to receive small results.

(On this level one can get money by making a decision with willpower; one has to work very hard. Many are stuck exactly on this level because society´s modern model teaches this. This level also enhances the self-affirmation: “yes, I´m the best”)

Level 4: Feelings

– Money to provide a variety of feelings and experiences, sensations and colors of life.

– The person earns money with pleasure, working “in the flow”.

On this level, the joy received at work gives the person an energy potential.

Level 5: Creativity

– Money for esthetics and sophistication, self-expression and diversity of impressions.

– The person receives money through the process of any kind of creativity.

– Small efforts are needed in order to receive big results.

On this level the product result from the work is always of a very high level of mastery. Because what one does with joy and pleasure is always a high quality product.

Level 6: Willpower

– Money for a greater knowledge about oneself and the world, for the realization of ideas in great scale.

– The person receives money through abstract reasoning, financial intuition and directing his/her attention. (“i just thought about it and it came right away”)

– Minimum efforts are needed in order to receive very big results.

The actions on this level are minimum, in most of the cases it´s just an effort to start the process. A deep work with all mental ideas about money is necessary to reach this level, because here everything that you have in your mind is realized.

Level 7: Consciousness and Intuition.

– Destruction of habitual stereotypes about how to use money.

– The person receives money by being present on a time-space spot where there is no possibility of not having it.

– Efforts are not needed to receive unlimited results.

How to use the financial gradient?

First: determine on which level of the financial gradient of the money matrix you are now.

Do this diagnostic right now and write in the chat. In your opinion, on which level are you at the moment. If you don´t want to write, it´s fine, choose it your way, but at least answer to yourself honestly.

Second: solve the matters of your level in order to pass to the next one.


Tips on how to do it:

There are 5 methods which help:

First: give compliments to wealthy people around you, give compliments to those who know how to find favorable contacts. Give compliments to those whose financial intuition works well in business. Give compliments to rich people, for their entrepreneur qualities and feel how a new flow of energy starts to go through you.

Remember I told you about the diagnostic you could do to your ownselves?

So! When you start giving compliments to wealthy and rich people, you may realize some discomfort and barriers in the form of critic thoughts: they are energetic barriers! Or, maybe even astral larvae, which close the flow of prosperity to you. It is necessary to say goodbye to them by becoming aware of these problems and through the practices which I will mention ahead:

Second: do the practices to “open the flow of prosperity” in groups in your city, go to seminars where such practices will be given.

Third: use amulets of power for luck and talismans to attract money.

Fourth: listen to the music to attract luck (access the links to the music)

Fifth: take a look inside yourself and see what is on your way to feel the flow of prosperity and richness. And do the practice “basta” (“enough”) to stop the negative energy.

The practice: say to the problem “basta!” (“enough!”)

1) Ask to the high powers for help and support. Remember your place of power in nature.

2) Remember your last problem with money or some problem of your family members.

3) Understand that this problem will not go away by itself, it will always repeat itself, like a ball of negative energy which grows and becomes bigger and bigger. One day it may even sufocate you.

4) Say with confidence and power “basta!” (“enough!”). Enough of these problems in my life. I stop this ball of negative energy which grows non stop. “basta”, “basta”, “basta” (“enough”, “enough”,“enough”).

Say this the most confidently and strongly as possible. You may want to hit on your thigh with the palm of your hand. Do this some times and try to feel when it is necessary to stop. You always deserve to have strength and good mood!

5) Thank the high powers and all people who are around you (in case you are doing the practice in a group).

Sixth: in case questions arise, read the book “after death”.

For example, today before the chat, i asked a question to the universe “how do i proceed so that the knowledge of the enlightened Master reaches people”, I opened the book “after death” and received this answer:

«It´s not worthy to idealize something or to identify yourself with something, whether it´s money, carreer, fame, power: everything that puts the person under society´s dependency and its destructive laws, wars, revolutions, struggle for power, money and etc, etc.».

It´s easy to realize a pattern when a person starts to live in a better way, starts to have more money and power, quickly he/she forgets that the people around them didn´t get free of their problems in the same way, and we are connected on the mental and energetic planes, and i want to give methods to help others:

Many times, we see people in need around us. And you can offer clothes or food to those who need it. Once when I was jogging in the morning, I saw a schoolboy passing by an old lady living on the streets, who was sitting on the ground. Another old lady who was walking behind told him: “why don´t you give money to her, you have it.”. The schoolboy laughed. Then with affection, she gave the poor lady a money bill. And said: “Look it´s very simple”. A girl who was walking behind also stopped and did the same, she gave money to the poor lady.

That´s how we will change the world!


Not always those who call themselves experts are really experts.

I want to warn you: sometimes I hear from people: “Please tell me what should I do to solve all the problems quickly!”. If the person is not in tune with the inner changes, he/she might attract a new problem. Sometimes coincidences happen, and one can solve quickly the situation and receive money. But if he/she didn´t change inside, another difficulty may come up, or problems in another area of his/her life may appear, such as in health or relationships.

Therefore, develop yourselves! Develop in every level of your life and help others. In this case, the high power will grant you what you are searching for!

Be rich in all senses of this word!!!



I wanto to reveal a secret to you about how to direct the energy. If you set up a very high spiritual goal, a lot of energy will come to you for the realization of all desires. In July 2018 there will be a trip to one of most powerful and mysterious places called Altai. If you give compliments to yourself now for willing to go to the place of power, then everything for you is possible!!!


So long. On the next chat a miracle awaits you: the meeting with aayla and the continuity of the topic “the power of family lineage”. The topic of the chat: “how to increase the kut power. The soul kut”

Attention: get ready for the chat: a candle, matches, a sheet of paper, a pencil or pen.

Thank you all! See you at the places of power!



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